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About Us

The Economic Roundtable of the Ohio Valley fosters a collaborative community for business professionals to engage in meaningful conversation, networking, and learning. Through a renowned speaker series, we inform the local community on important governmental, economic, and social issues. 

Business Woman

Individual Memberships

The Economic Roundtable (ERT) is open to all individuals. ERT offers six types of Individual Memberships: Distinguished Life Members, Life Members, Sustaining Members, Regular Members, Student Members, and Honorary Members. An individual membership application form with a current dues schedule is available below:

Business Meeting

Membership Sponsorships

The basic Membership Sponsorship allows any for-profit or non-profit organization to sponsor up to five individual memberships each year for $350. In addition, the sponsorship fee entitles the organization to have its name listed on all correspondence of the Economic Roundtable. A Membership Sponsor application is available


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Scholarship Information

For a one-time $1000 contribution to the Economic Roundtable, the Scholarship Sponsor program entitles an organization to nominate one student (excluding all currently enrolled college students) to receive either a $2000 per year scholarship to Marietta College (renewable for a total of $8000 in four years) or a $500 per year scholarship to West Virginia University at Parkersburg (renewable for a total of $2000 in four years). The student must be admissible by the criteria established by the respective Office of Admissions and make satisfactory progress toward a degree once enrolled in either college in order to fully benefit from this scholarship. 

In addition, the organization may sponsor up to five individual memberships each year and have its name listed on all Roundtable stationery as well as listed on the ERT website below.

To Our Current Scholarship Sponsors, Thank You!

Belpre Area Community Development Foundation


Peoples Bank

Bernard McDonough Foundation Inc.

Rotary Club of Belpre

Marietta Community Foundation


Settlers Bank

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